Guidelines for abstract presenters at EAU25
Abstracts can be accepted for Abstract Sessions, Expert Guided Poster Tour, Video Sessions and for EAU Lab Extended Abstract Sessions.
Abstract Sessions
All abstracts have been assigned new codes. If your abstract code begins with “A0,” it indicates that it has been accepted for an Abstract session.
The abstract presenter is requested to deliver a 2-minute presentation per abstract on stage during the session. The presentation will be followed by a 3-minute discussion.
Please find more information in the Guidelines for Presenters in Abstract Sessions.
What to upload? PowerPoint presentation slide deck for a 2-minutes presentation. Download EAU25 PPT template.
Optional for presenters in Abstract Sessions
Abstract presenters also have the option to create an e-poster for digital viewing. These posters will be accessible online via the resource centre one month before the congress and onsite at the digital stations in the Expert-Guided Poster Tour (EGPT) area throughout the entire duration of the congress. Please find more information on how to prepare a poster here. Please note that this is optional and not mandatory.
Expert-Guided Poster Tours (EGPT)
All abstracts have been assigned new codes. If your abstract code begins with “P0,” it indicates that it has been accepted for an Expert-Guided Poster Tour.
The abstract presenter is requested to upload a PDF of their poster one month before the congress. During the session in Madrid, each poster presenter will have 2 minutes to present their work, followed by 3 minutes for discussion. Posters will be displayed on digital screens. Please find more information in the Guidelines for Presenters in the Expert-Guided Poster Tour.
What to upload? e-Poster in PDF format
Poster templates: You have the flexibility to design your poster however you prefer; using a template is not mandatory. However, if you wish to use one, templates are available for download below. These templates are provided as a guide and are based on the Better Poster Templates. All elements are fully editable, and you are free to modify them as needed.
Download poster templates.
Video Abstract Sessions
The original videos will be shown during the session and will be followed up by a discussion with the abstract presenter on stage. No extra upload needed.
Please find more information in the Guidelines for presenters in Video Sessions.
EAU Lab Extended Abstract Session
The abstract presenter is requested to deliver 7 minute presentation per abstract on stage during the session. The presentation will be followed by a 3 minute discussion.
When and where to upload? Abstract presenters will receive an email on the 29 January with a personal upload link which will also be available on the speaker website.
Deadline to upload: 19 February 2025, 23:59 CET
(It is crucial that you adhere to this deadline to allow sufficient time for the Experts/Chairs to prepare for the session, however please note that the upload link will remain open up util the start of the congress if any changes update needed.)
Embargo date: 21 February 2025
Abstract bodies and e-Posters will be accessible from 21 February for EAU(N) Members and Registered EAU25 delegates (including registered non-member delegates).
Abstract bodies will be accessible via the EAU25 Virtual Platform and EU Supplement Journal.
E-posters will be accessible via the EAU25 Virtual Platform.
Presentation Training Centre
Mrs. Vivienne Parry (GB) will be conducting individual & group presentation skills training sessions aimed at improving presentation and delivery techniques. The sessions are free of charge and open to all speakers.
These sessions include:
- 15-minute one-on-one appointments
- 30-minute group sessions (maximum of 6 participants)
Due to high demand, we strongly recommend booking your session in advance online: Book your appointment here.