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Excellence in urology: 40 Congresses in 52 years

EAU25 is heading for Madrid, marking a return after 10 years. This is also the sixth time that the Annual Congress has been hosted in Spain. EAU25 is also an anniversary of sorts, marking 40 (Annual) congresses since 1974 when the EAU had its very first congress in Padua, Italy, with around 100 participants. Back then the congresses took place only every two years, which explains how we arrive at 40 congresses in 52 years of our existence.

Let’s take a look at some notable congresses over the years!

1. Padua 1974: The start


This was the very first congress of what was then (very briefly) called the European Society of Urology. This congress took place one year after the EAU’s final constituent assembly, where its first members were approved. The congress was hosted in Padua on 12-14 September 1974, by its Congress President Prof. Ravasini. He had played an instrumental role in bringing together the ‘founding fathers’ of the EAU. About 100 urologists participated.

Prof. Claude Schulman, former Editor-in-Chief of European Urology was there and characterised the early EAU congresses:

“Membership of the association and participation in the congress was based on personal relations and academic position. These were professors of big universities and major urological centres. I attended as the assistant of EAU Secretary General Prof. Willy Gregoir. I remember that the atmosphere in Padua was very friendly, but, in a very hierarchical way.”

“In the first ten years, years, the EAU would remain more or less this size, all very senior people, except for maybe five or six ‘young cowboys’ like me and Laurent Boccon-Gibod. At congresses and meetings we would sit in a corner, politely listening to the maestros.”

2. Amsterdam 1990: A reunited Europe


Although several reforms in membership and congress attendance had taken place since the EAU’s foundation, it would take geopolitical events to cause the next major shift in the EAU’s congresses.

The ninth congress, with its President Prof. Debruyne, was held just six months after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of communism in Central Europe. With freedom to travel, many urologists from Central and Eastern Europe were invited or even sponsored to attend, making this the first congress to have over 1000 attendees and the start of a new era. In a sense, 1990 can be seen as a rebirth for the EAU: larger congresses, more industry involvement and an end to the closed membership of the past.

3. Barcelona 1998: The first Annual Congress


As part of the wide-ranging reforms and restructuring that the EAU underwent under Prof. Debruyne’s period as Secretary General, the EAU’s congress would become an annual event, organised via the EAU’s newly-formed Central Office. The date of the congress would also be shifted from the summer to the spring.

The first congress organised according to this formula was the 13th, Barcelona 1998. This was also the first congress to attract more than 5000 participants.

4. Milan 2008: The record year


In just ten years since becoming re-established as an Annual Congress, the 23rd edition in Milan attracted nearly 13,500 participants, a record that stands to this day. For a big congress, three congress presidents were needed to share the Presidential duties.

5. Milan 2023: The Anniversary year


After three years of pandemic uncertainty, including two virtual editions and a postponed, careful summer edition of EAU22 in Amsterdam, EAU23 was a return to the scale and bustle of congresses past. The four-day format was carried over from the virtual editions.

The congress coincided with the celebrations of the EAU’s 50th anniversary, and the appointment of the EAU’s seventh and current Secretary General, Prof. Stenzl.