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08 July 2021

Urology beyond Europe: Different approaches, same goal

The mission of the European Association of Urology (EAU) is to raise the level of urological care throughout Europe and
08 July 2021

Report: Semi-live surgery session also weighs up educational value and future potential

“Technology development never ends!” was the catch-all title for the nearly eight-hour flagship semi-live surgical session at EAU21, and it
08 July 2021

Incontinence mesh removal surgery in women

By Dr. Marie-Aimée Perrouin-Verbe (Nantes, FR), Department of Urology, Nantes Academic Hospital & Prof. Hashim Hashim (Bristol, GB), Bristol Urological Institute, Southmead Hospital This
08 July 2021

Using pharmacotherapy for OAB: What drug interactions to be aware of

By Prof. Martin C. Michel (Mainz, DE), Department of Pharmacology, Johannes Gutenberg University This article reflects the highlights of the lecture Prof.
08 July 2021

EAU21 opens with full-day semi-live surgery and Urology Beyond Europe sessions

EAU Secretary General Prof. Chris Chapple welcomed delegates to the 36th Annual EAU Congress, EAU21. Speaking from a studio in
07 July 2021

The PIONEER Big Data platform: How does it apply to prostate cancer?

By Dr. Susan Evans Axelsson (Malmö, SE), Clinical Coordinator PIONEER This article reflects the highlights of the lecture Dr. Susan Evans Axelsson
06 July 2021

RPLND for chemo-resistant disease: Examining different options for different patients

By Prof. Axel Heidenreich (Cologne, DE), Department of Urology, University Hospital Cologne This article reflects the highlights of the lecture Prof.
05 July 2021

Immunotherapy for metastatic urothelial cancer

New agents are expected to significantly improve overall prognosis By Dr. Ursula Vogl (Bellinzona, CH), medical oncologist at Ospedale San Giovanni
05 July 2021

European Urology Today newspaper online

02 July 2021

What is the role of TUR in MIBC?

By Dr. Alejandro R. Rodríguez (Rochester, US), Secretary General of the Confederación Americana de Urología (CAU) This article reflects the highlights
01 July 2021

Stones and endourology: surgical demonstrations from the masters

“Stones is always an interesting and relevant part of urology, it represents a big part of the activities that urologists
28 June 2021

Highlights in advanced prostate cancer

We interviewed Prof. Silke Gillessen Sommer (CH) who shared some of the EAU21 highlights to look forward to with regard
17 June 2021

Highlights in kidney cancer treatment

We spoke to Prof. Marc-Oliver Grimm (Jena, DE) on the topic of Renal Cell Cancer and what delegates could expect