Press Policy

Media outlets and press representatives are expected to abide by the full EAU Press Policy, and to make sure that any member of staff or any third parties acting on their behalf and / or under their authority comply with this Policy.

Failure to adhere to this Policy will result in revocation of access to all embargoed material from the EAU, or withdrawal of access to the congress.

Embargo Policy

Distribution and use of advanced materials from the EAU are controlled by the embargo policy. This policy is designed to provide news reporters with an opportunity to write accurate news stories while ensuring that publicity does not appear prematurely. Through consistent implementation of our embargo policy, we work to maintain a fair and level playing field that gives no one reporter or organisation an advantage over others.

Accepted abstracts of the 40th Annual EAU Congress will be available online in the EAU25 Resource Centre as of 21 February 2025 for members of the press and EAU members. To get an access code, please contact the EAU Press Office. The information contained in the abstracts is embargoed until the day on which the abstract is presented.


  • The embargo runs out on the day the congress, meeting or course starts. Precise embargo dates accompany all advanced materials. Embargoed information is not to be made public in any format, including print, television, radio or via the Internet, before the embargo date.
  • Advanced material is for background research only. Journalists may not redistribute the information within or outside their news organisation with the following exception: journalists may share embargoed papers with experts in the field for the purpose of obtaining relevant commentary. The embargo date and time must be clearly indicated on the embargoed materials. Journalists are responsible for ensuring that all third parties honour the embargo date.
  • Journalists should credit the EAU as the source of the information. Please note that the articles in EAU publications report original research by independent authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the European Association of Urology.
  • Supporting materials provided by the EAU, such as graphics, audio and video clips must be credited to the appropriate source. These materials may not be used to illustrate stories unrelated to the relevant article without express permission from the EAU.

Photography & Filming

  • It is not allowed to film, take photos and/or record during any scientific session or poster session at the Congress for publication purposes. For the Opening Ceremony exception requests can be obtained by completing a filming request form. If approved, press representatives will be given a filming/photo pass only for that specific time and location.
  • Filming, photographing or recording interviews is strictly forbidden in the Exhibition Halls at all times.
  • The EAU has assigned designated areas to record interviews. These areas can be found at central locations throughout the venue and are clearly indicated as filming areas. As far as is practical, photography and filming should not specifically feature passers-by or delegates who are not involved in an interview. Film crews can book a time slot (max 2 per day per publication) to film in one of the filming areas onsite via the hostess in the Press Centre. Film crews with permission will receive a special filming press badge.
  • The EAU Press Office will approve requests on a case-by-case basis. Only registered media outlets or press representatives will be allowed to film, take photos and/or record at the Congress. EAU may halt any disruptive or hazardous filming.
  • No specific permission is required to film, take photos and/or record outside the main entrance, or within press working areas including the press conference room and the press interview room.
  • Films/photos/recordings are subject to the protection of intellectual property, image, and personality rights and shall only be used after express authorisation by the speaker subject of the said films/photos/recording and only within the scope of the said authorisation.

Breaking of the Filming/Photography/Recording Policy by any media outlet, press representative, member of staff or any third party acting on behalf of and/or under the authority of any Media outlet or Press representative may be penalised.