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EAU25: Day 4 highlights

Read on for a recap of session highlights and activities from day 4 at the congress including two webcasts, session reports, and EAUTV featuring a panel discussion on affordability versus benefits of novel technologies.

Must-view webcasts

AURORAX-0087A – Urine Glycosaminoglycan Scores for Surveillance of Recurrence in Intermediate and High-risk Non-metastatic Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma – An Observational Prospective Multicenter Diagnostic Test Cohort Study – presented by Dr. S. Dabestani, Lund (SE). Watch webcast here.

Live Surgery – Retrograde intrarenal surgery by single use flexible ureteroscopy 8fr – presented by Dr. S. Ferretti, Modena (IT). Watch webcast here.

Complications after surgery a ‘hidden pandemic’ for health services
How can patients best be prepared for surgery, and how can they best recover afterwards? Urologists could be updated on the latest insights in today’s Plenary Session “Optimising the patient journey: From prehabilitation to rehabilitation in urologic surgery”. Read article here.

From the congress from in Madrid
Check out this Awards album of all the winners at the 40th Annual EAU Congress! We also have some general impressions from Day 4 for you. Share your photos and stories on Instagram as well.

PCa Game Changer Session examines ARANOTE and SPCG-13
Learn more about PSA response with darolutamide plus ADT in mHSPC patients in the ARANOTE trial, as well as the 10-year results from the SPCG-13 featured during today’s Game Changer Session on prostate cancer led by Chairs Prof. Joost Boormans (NL) and Dr. Gianluca Giannarini (IT). Read article here.

EAUTV: Affordability vs. benefits of novel technologies
In this edition of EAUTV at EAU25 in Madrid, we are covering novel technologies in urology: affordability vs. benefits. Moderator Prof. Joost Boormans leads the conversation with experts Dr. Amelia Pietropaolo and Assoc. Prof. David D’Andrea on affordability vs. benefits. Watch video.

And that’s a wrap! We look forward to seeing you at EAU26 in London!