Submit your abstract: Important tips

The Annual EAU Congress annually attracts around 5,000 abstract submissions from urologists and other medical professionals around the world. Competition is tough and only around a third are selected each year.

Abstracts form an integral component of the scientific programme of EAU25. Your groundbreaking research and its application in the medical field deserve a wide audience. Submit your abstract before the 1 November 2024 deadline.

Here are some handy and practical tips on how your abstract can get the attention it deserves:

  • Deliver a clean, precisely-worded text free of grammatical and spelling errors. Avoid vague descriptions. Reviewers are less impressed when language is cluttered with unnecessary details;
  • Make sure that the illustration that you submit is relevant and in high resolution. There’s nothing more irritating than fuzzy photos and poorly executed graphics;
  • Carefully phrase your concluding statements and emphasise the significance of your study. Concise statements make an impact;
  • Adopt a neutral tone and avoid writing in argumentative terms which may convey the wrong impression;
  • Thoroughly re-check the facts and proof-read several times;
  • Ask a colleague or mentor for a final review or second reading. Small errors in factual detail may escape your attention;
  • Submit well ahead of the deadline! Don’t wait until the last hour.

These are only a few suggestions. The main thing is to deliver original and innovative work, with quality research methodology and data that present the results in precise language. For more tips, check out the video below.

Remember: deadline submission is 1 November 2024 (23:59 CET).  Good luck to all participants!