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19 December 2019

EAUN20: “A worthwhile and valuable experience”

Look forward to innovations in urological nursing and multidisciplinary collaborations at the upcoming 21st International EAUN Meeting (EAUN20).  In this
17 December 2019

Examining the near future of uro-technology

Urologists pride themselves on using the latest technology to better treat their patients: from minimally invasive surgery to robotics, improved
11 December 2019

Tailor-made YUO leadership course will sharpen key competences at EAU20

The YUO leadership course aims to give expert recommendations to urologists and health care professionals aged 45 and younger on
11 October 2019

Researchers can submit their work for prestigious awards bestowed at EAU20

Quality work can lead to breakthroughs in medicine. The EAU endeavours to optimize medical care. In this spirit, the EAU
10 September 2019

YUO Leadership course during EAU20

The EAU Young Urologists Office (YUO) offers a special Leadership course designed for young urologists during EAU20
22 March 2019

Guidelines updates and advocacy groups in Pca, Bca and RCC

Prof. Hein Van Poppel (BE) and Dr. Antonella Cardone (BE), chaired the EAU Patient Information Session. Prof. Van Poppel warmly
21 March 2019

EAU TV: Focus on Kidney: CARMENA and Renal Cell Carcinoma

Moderator of Plenary session 4 Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) Prof. Markus Kuczyk talked about if CARMENA trial changes everything.
21 March 2019

EAU TV: Urology Nightmares – ‘Forgotten’ ureteral stents: Whose responsibility?

EAU19 had an animated start on Saturday with Plenary Session 2; a ‘nightmare session’ on stones. Mr. Bertie Leigh (GB),
21 March 2019

EAU Policy Paper on PSA screening

Prof. Van Poppel (BE) talked about the policy papers addressing the need to reconsider structured population-based PSA screening for prostate
20 March 2019


Prof. Wout Feitz (NL) talked about the aim of eUROGEN, the main focus of the coming months and his role
20 March 2019

LUTS session accents UPSTREAM & optimal treatments

Insights from the UPSTREAM study, the best time for intervention, clinical efficacy for BPH and invalidating fake news were covered
19 March 2019

The most important lessons from Barcelona

The Annual EAU Congress typically closes with a Souvenir Session, and EAU19 in Barcelona was no different. Presided over by
18 March 2019

AUA Lecture challenges urologists to get more out of patient-reported outcome

When determining which treatment a patient should receive for localised prostate cancer, urologists should be prepared to not just compare